By now it is common knowledge that unstructured data is growing out of control. So the question everyone is asking is, how do you truly manage unstructured data in the multi‑vendor, multi‑cloud environments that are becoming the norm?
StorageMAP 7.0 Is A Game-Changer for Hybrid Cloud Data Services
On June 18, 2024, Datadobi announced the launch of StorageMAP 7.0 – a game-changer for hybrid cloud data services, with previously unheard-of features and functionality to provide the deepest insights possible into heterogeneous unstructured data environments.
Are You Heading for a Compliance Disaster?
How StorageMAP Helps You Steer Clear – Transforming Compliance Nightmares into Strategic Wins with Next-Gen Unstructured Data Management
Announcing the Launch of StorageMAP 6.7
We are delighted to introduce StorageMAP 6.7, with key capabilities designed to further enhance automation and unify data management capabilities.
Datadobi Unveils StorageMAP 6.5 – Empowering Data Management in the Digital Era
Announcing the launch of StorageMAP 6.5: a cutting-edge solution designed to support the organization of data along with high performance mobility for large, complex data environments.
Unleashing the Potential of Amazon FSx with Datadobi’s StorageMAP
A global leader in artificial intelligence and computer graphics recently came to us with a common lament: “We have a mess. We need to understand the mess. We need to clean up the mess.”
Defending Your Organization from Illegal
Data’s Wrath
In today’s interconnected world, businesses not only grapple with the management of vast amounts of data but also face the looming threat of illegal data concealed within their digital repositories. This proliferation of illegal data presents a range of risks and challenges that organizations must confront.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind? The Dangers of Forgetting About WORM Data Retention Periods
StorageMAP can solve WORM storage retention risks by identifying files that have exceeded their retention period and helping you act on them.
The Looming Threat of Orphaned Data: How Former Employees’ Abandoned Files Could Destroy Your Business
Employees are leaving their jobs at record rate, and leaving orphaned data behind. Having a plan to manage that data is vital to protecting your business.
Best Practices for Communicating About Your Data
Learn to help your teams own their unstructured data with tagging, assigning datasets, and custom reporting in StorageMAP.
Reduce Unstructured Data Management Risk with StorageMAP
Orphaned data can add huge levels of risk to a business. Learn how StorageMap reduces unstructured data management risk by taking control of orphaned data.
StorageMAP 6.3 – Delivering A Lot for IT Leaders to Be Thankful For
Datadobi StorageMAP 6.3 lets you copy file data to any S3-compatible object storage system providing ESG compliance and maximizing the value of unstructured data.
How to Understand Your Company’s CO2 Consumption — And Do Something About It
Your company’s data can consume a huge amount of energy, even if you use the cloud. Learn how StorageMAP manages unstructured data storage and reduces your carbon footprint.
Datadobi’s Unstructured Data Management Innovation Continues with StorageMAP 6.2
Orphaned Data Risk and Cost Can Now Be Eliminated with Multi-Vendor, Multi-Cloud Unstructured Data Management Platform. Pushing orphaned data to the back burner – i.e., data that still sits on an organization’s network or systems but was created and owned by a now deactivated employee – is never a good idea. Yet, we work with some…
Exploring DQL – The Hidden Jewel of StorageMAP
Datadobi Query Language (DQL) is a query framework that identifies unstructured data within a data lake, giving your DevOps team the ability to script intricate queries for every data mining task.
Reduce Carbon Footprint with StorageMAP
Climate change is no longer a distant threat for business leaders. Because of this, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies are now high on the agenda of almost every major corporation in the world.