

By now it is common knowledge that unstructured data is growing out of control. So the question everyone is asking is, how do you truly manage unstructured data in the multi‑vendor, multi‑cloud environments that are becoming the norm?


How StorageMAP Puts IT Leaders in the Driver’s Seat of Cost Control

In some of my most recent blog posts, I discussed how the top unstructured data concerns for enterprises today include maximizing scarce data storage resources, controlling carbon footprint, reducing data risk, and extracting value from data.

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The Snapshot Migration Dilemma: Migrating Snapshot History

Learn about the difference between a snapshot and copies and how Datadobi’s StorageMAP solution can simplify data migration from one enterprise NAS to another.

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The Intelligent Way to Manage Your Unstructured Data Environment

In the last several years, many customers have shared a frustratingly common secret about their file and object unstructured data. Prior to contacting Datadobi, most of them had been operating with limited knowledge of what types of unstructured data they have, where it is, and even how much they’re consuming on-premises or in the cloud.

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Taking Back Control of Your Unstructured Data

Expanding on the core migration and data protection offerings, Datadobi has introduced StorageMAP, bringing full unstructured data management capabilities to enterprises with large and growing data estates. But what is “unstructured data management”? In a nutshell, it is combining the ability to have a full view of all the file and/or object data in your organization combined with tagging and the ability to take action on any dataset of interest.

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DobiMigrate is the Unstructured Data Management Software of Choice for Dell PowerStore File Migrations

Back in the spring of 2020, Dell Technologies changed the face of enterprise storage with the introduction of Dell® PowerStore®.  PowerStore’s revolutionary software-driven architecture has since helped customers around the world adapt to any future, transforming both traditional and modern workloads with new flexibility, efficiency, and performance. 

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The Wild West of Managing Unstructured Data Chaos

Unstructured data environments can be riddled with chaos. Masses of redundant, obsolete, or trivial (ROT) data idling on a network, the sheer volume of unstructured data, and heterogeneous storage structures all contribute to headaches for IT leaders.

Complicating matters even more is that every storage environment has a unique set of unstructured data standards. In our multi-vendor world, relying on native unstructured data management features from each storage vendor or cloud provider won’t cut it anymore.

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StorageMAP – True Unstructured Data Management in a Multi-vendor, Multi-cloud World

By now it is common knowledge that unstructured data is growing out of control. So the question everyone is asking is, how do you truly manage unstructured data in the multi-vendor, multi-cloud environments that are becoming the norm?

There is no shortage of companies, from one end of the storage industry to the other, claiming to clean up the toxic landfill that has become unstructured data. But how, as an overworked under-budgeted IT professional, do you quickly understand the benefits of each approach?

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What is Tribal Knowledge and How to Overcome It with StorageMAP

As almost anyone with IT experience knows, managing an unstructured data environment can be challenging in so many ways. There are numerous factors that must be considered, including but not limited to: the number of storage devices, size of your dataset, number of files in your dataset, and maybe the worst of all – the uniqueness of your environment. This is because one-size-fits-all solutions are oftentimes not a great fit, and instead, an ad hoc management style is adopted leading to a potential future hurdle referred to as “tribal knowledge.”

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Creating an Unstructured Data Symphony with Datadobi’s Orchestration & Automation Capabilities

Let’s face it: time is money. In order to optimize IT team members’ time and allow them to focus on initiatives that bring more value to the business, organizations have increasingly been adopting tools with automation — and it’s paying off. 

Nearly three quarters of IT leaders (73%) say that thanks to automation success, employees are saving between 10% and 50% of the time they had spent doing manual tasks. 

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Why Unstructured Data Management is Critical in the ESG Conversation

In our data-centric business ecosystems, managing unstructured data is no longer an option for any enterprise. It represents around 90% of all data today and is predicted by IDC to increase in volume threefold by 2025 to a mind boggling total of 144ZB (that’s 144 trillion gigabytes).

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The Brain Power Behind Datadobi Unstructured Data Management Projects

Before applying for a job, there are many factors you have to take into account. From salary, hours, office locations, responsibilities, PTO, and more, each element directly influences whether or not the position will be a good fit for you. It’s extremely important for you to evaluate what an employer has to offer before submitting your resume to a new company.

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IDC says a Data Mobility Engine Can Serve as the Core of an Effective Data Management Strategy

Research firm IDC predicts that, over the next five years, more than 80% of the data collected by organizations will be unstructured data, and that will only continue to grow 40-50% per year for most enterprises.

With the sheer volume of unstructured data yet to be created and used in the years ahead, it’s safe to say that the way organizations manage their data will need to evolve.

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Revealing the Hidden Value of Your Organization’s Unstructured Data

It’s no secret that unstructured data is growing at unprecedented rates. Unfortunately, too many enterprise IT leaders are still suffering silently, ready to throw up their hands and surrender in the battle for control over their own massive collection of unstructured data. With little time left to catch their breath, IT operations must also find the most effective solutions capable of teasing out the highest-value data buried deep in their unstructured data stashes.

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Examining What it Means to Be Truly Vendor-Neutral in Today’s Multi-Vendor World

Let’s face it: failing to manage your enterprise’s unstructured data is no longer an option. I know it, you know it, and the storage vendors and cloud providers know it too.

Both on-premises providers and cloud storage platforms teams’ have seen the need to organize unstructured data to gain valuable insights from it and are attempting to hastily assemble tools to help.

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It’s Like Walking A Tightrope – The Balancing Act of Unstructured Data Risk Reduction

Global organizations across every industry have become addicted to the hordes of data they are capable of amassing and storing — particularly unstructured data. On average, unstructured data currently makes up more than 80% of enterprise data and it is growing at the rate of 55% to 65% per year. Like it or not, that eye-catching, shiny pile of glorious unstructured data also comes with the obligation and liability of handling it responsibly and in a timely manner to avoid data risk exposure.

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