Interoperability of DobiMigrate with EMC® Isilon® Provides End-to-End NAS Migrations
Datadobi, a leading software innovator that provides storage platform migration solutions, today announced enhanced interoperability between its DobiMigrate software and EMC® Isilon® Scale-Out NAS as part of their participation in the EMC Business Partner Program for Technology Connect Partners.
The interoperability of DobiMigrate 3.0 with Isilon provides next generation end-to-end NAS migrations. DobiMigrate’s powerful functionality enables a move from one storage platform to Isilon quickly, easily, accurately, and cost effectively. DobiMigrate brings automation, advanced engineering, and embedded intelligence that is enhancing NAS platform migrations to the EMC Isilon Data Lake Foundation. As a Select level partner in Technology Connect, Databobi’s DobiMigrate 3.0 is now available for purchase through the EMC Technology Connect program.
“We are looking forward to a continued, fruitful relationship with EMC as a Select partner. We have been enabling migrations from EMC Centera® and EMC Atmos® to all EMC’s storage platforms for many global companies,” said Ian Leysen, CEO at Datadobi. “Our recent release of DobiMigrate 3.0 will deliver NAS-to-NAS technology transitions for an even broader base of customers.”
“Datadobi’s NAS-to-NAS migration software solution benefits users of Isilon storage systems and the Data Lake Foundation. As a Select partner, Datadobi continues to demonstrate its commitment to excellence in technology innovation for storage platform migration,” said John Nishikawa, Director of Business Development & Alliances, Emerging Technology Division, EMC Corporation. “EMC customers can take advantage of policy-based data movement to minimize the effort required for complex migration tasks on Isilon. We look forward to working with Datadobi to assist our customers in their information infrastructure initiatives.”
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